Dive deep into the depths of lucid dreaming with 21 international experts in the fields of Lucid Dreaming, Dream Yoga, Science, Psychology, Yoga Nidra and more!
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This summit explores cutting edge conversations with scientists, Buddhist Lamas, philosophers, medical doctors, shamans, and psychologists about how lucid dreaming can transform both ourselves and the world!
Welcome to the first-ever LUCID DREAMING ONLINE SUMMIT hosted by lucid dreaming teacher Charlie Morley and Awake Academy.
Why did we create the LUCID DREAMING SUMMIT?
Born out of lockdown (and the opportunity to go inside when we couldnu2019t go outside!) lucid dreaming expert and author Charlie Morley has teamed up with online learning platform Awake Academy to create the first-ever LUCID DREAMING ONLINE SUMMIT.
Although dream work summits have be done before we felt that no one had ever really explored lucid dreaming in its deepest depth. We wanted to ask the BIG QUESTIONS that hadnu2019t been asked before such as u201cCan lucid dreaming be used to treat mental health conditions or depression?u201d, u201cHow can lucid dreaming be used to explore the nature of reality?u201d and u201cHow far can lucid dreaming take us in the evolution of human consciousness?u201d so rather than have some random interviewer skimming the surface we wanted the interviewer to be a practitioner themselves, and we believe that Charlie Morley has a sufficient depth of knowledge to allow him to hold the space for those BIG QUESTIONS to be answered.n
This summit has created an archive of over 17 hours of some of the most in-depth explorations of lucid dreaming that have ever been made publicly available. May this summit give you the power, enthusiasm, and tools to help you get lucid in your dreams and transform any crisis into creative solutions, compassion, and wisdom!n
As you probably already know, itu2019s the art of becoming conscious within your dreams. A lucid dream is one in which you think, Aha! Iu2019m dreaming! while youu2019re still asleep. Once you become conscious within a dream, you can interact with and direct it at will, dancing with your unconscious mind.n
If you have any interest in psychology, mindfulness, imagination, or the power of the unconscious, youu2019ll love lucid dreaming. It allows you conscious access to the deepest depths of your mind, and the opportunity to guide your dreams at will.n
When presented as part of a mindfulness and compassion practice lucid dreaming can help bring meaning to life as well as bolster emotional resilience and give you the opportunity to face your shadow, gain insights, boost creativity, heal traumas and have fun while you sleep.n
In this Pre-Recorded Summit you will:n
Is this lessons for you? Yes, if you want to:n
Learning Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep Lucid Dreaming can help you to:n

Charlie Morley, Our Host!
Charlie is a bestselling author and teacher of lucid dreaming & shadow integration. He has been lucid dreaming for over 20 years and was u201cauthorised to teachu201d within the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism by Lama Yeshe Rinpoche in 2008. He has since co-created a holistic approach to dream work called Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep alongside mindfulness pioneer Rob Nairn and written three books which have been translated into 15 languages. For over 10 years Charlie has run workshops & retreats in more than 20 countries and continues to teach internationally. Heu2019s spoken at both Oxford and Cambridge Universities, the Ministry of Defence Mindfulness Symposium, The Houses of Parliament and TEDx San Diego.n
Learn More About Our Speakersn

Dr. Clare R. Johnson
Dr. Clare was the first person in the world to write a PhD on lucid dreaming as a creative tool. A life-long and prolific lucid dreamer, she is the most recent past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. Clare is the author of seven dream books including the acclaimed Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming. Her most recent book is The Art of Lucid Dreaming. Its dark but luminous counterpart, The Art of Transforming Nightmares, comes out in 2021. Clare runs Lucid Dreaming Ocean Retreats and online workshops, and is the creator of www.DeepLucidDreaming.com where she responds to questions about lucid dreams, nightmares, sleep paralysis and other strange and fascinating sleep-related experiences.n

Robert Waggoner
Robert Waggoner wrote the acclaimed book, Lucid Dreaming u2013 Gateway to the Inner Self, and co-authored the award winning Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple with Caroline McCready. A past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), Robert serves at co-editor of the free online magazine, The Lucid Dreaming Experience. A lucid dreamer since 1975, he has logged more than 1,000 lucid dreams. Robert frequently speaks on the science, beauty and practice of lucid dreaming at international dream conferences, workshops and college classrooms. Robert’s insights into the profound potential of lucid dreaming has encouraged others to explore lucid dreaming’s ability for emotional and physical healing, personal transformation and engaging one’s inner self.n

Ngakma Meu0301-tsal Wangmon
Ngakma Mu00e9-tsal Wangmo has been an ordained go kar chang lo practitioner and student of Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Du00e9chen (the lineage holders of the Aro gTu00e9r) since the 1990s. She and her husband Naljorpa Ja’gyu00fcr Dorje are a teaching couple within the Aro gTu00e9r lineage, who combine career and family life with practising and teaching Vajrayana. Having worked in education for many years Mu00e9-tsal also practises 5 element acupuncture and some aspects of Tibetan medicine.n

Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpochen
Charlie’s teachers is the abbot of Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland and is a meditation master specialized in the death and dream bardo practices. He is the only Lama in the West to have completed two 49 day dark retreatsn

Tree Carrn
Tree Carr is a published author and renowned practitioner in the esoteric arts: dreams, death and divination. Tree is a published author and her first book u2018Dreamsu2019 was released in 2018 with Octopus Publishing. Her second book u2018Conscious Dreameru2019s Workbooku2019 will be released in 2021 with Quarto Publishing Group. Treeu2019s conscious dreaming courses, workshops and retreats are worldwide. Tree is a CPD Crossfields Institute Certified Death Doula. Her work as an End of Life Guide involves helping people spiritually, emotionally, existentially and practically at the end of their lives.n

Tim Freken
Philosopher and author of 35 books, including a Sunday Times bestseller and Daily Telegraph ‘Book of the Year’. He is one of u2018The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living Peopleu2019 on the 2020 list in Watkins Magazine (# 50). He has been nominated for Mind, Body and Spirit u2018Author of the Yearu2019 2020 in Kindred Spirit magazine. He is the founder of u2018Unividualismu2019, which combines evolutionary science and deep spirituality to offer a visionary new understanding of the nature of reality and the purpose of life. He leads experientialu2028Deep Awakening retreats internationally.n

Brigitte Holzinger, PhDn
Born in Vienna, Austria is a psychologist (Univ. of Vienna, Research for PhD. Thesis at Stanford University with Stephen LaBerge), psychotherapist for Integrative Gestalt, supervisor and clinical and health psychologist, and sleep and dream researcher, (University)teacher and writer. Her main interest is lucid dreaming, dreaming, sleep and sleep research. 1989, she founded the Institute for Consciousness and Dream Research (www.traum.ac.at) and has organized international and interdisciplinary conferences, such as u201cDREAMING & CONSCIOUSNESSu201d in 1998 and REM50 in 2003.n

Maxwell Huntern
Artist and creator who has been using lucid dreaming to explore and better understand his experiences with mental health, including dissociative identity disorder.n

Jade Shaw, Mscn
Jade is an Out of Body Experience (OBE) researcher and teacher. After a life changing OBE she studied the phenomena for her Msc in Transpersonal Psychology. She is the Astral Projection consultant for Netflix Series u2018Behind her Eyesu2019 and she made u2018Insight Outu2019 a film featured on Gaia TV. Teaching involves diverse venues such as Mind Body Spirit Festival, Mindvalley University, The College of Psychic Studies, Alternatives, Soho House & RA MA Institute. She lived in a Buddhist Temple for 5 years, has trained with the Mindfulness Association and The Monroe Institute.n

Ya’Acov Darling Khann
He is acknowledged as a practicing shaman by the people who work with him world-wide and by many indigenous elder shamans and communities from the Arctic to the Amazon. Author of the best-selling Jaguar in the Body, Butterfly in the Heart u2013 the Real-Life Initiation of an Everyday Shaman (Hay House 2017), and Shaman u2013 Invoking Power, Presence and Purpose at the Core of Who YOU Are (Hay House March 2020), is known for his blend of strength, humility and humour.n

Tracee Stanleyn
Tracee shares teachings that are sourced from over 18 years of study in the tradition of the Himalayan Masters, Sri Vidya and Tantra. It is her passion to create and hold sacred space to transform, inspire and empower utilizing the practices of Yoga Nidra, Self-inquiry, Perfect Sankalpa, Meditation, Kriya, Mantra and sacred movement.

Andrew Holecekn
Author of many books and offers seminars internationally on meditation, lucid dreaming, and dream yoga. He is the author of Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep, the audio learning course, Dream Yoga: The Tibetan Path of Awakening Through Lucid Dreaming, and the forthcoming books, Dreams of Light: The Profound Daytime Practice of Lucid Dreaming, and The Lucid Dreaming Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Your Dream Life. Dr. Holecek is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and the author of scientific papers on lucid dreaming.

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, PhDn
Uma is co-founder of the Yoga Nidra Network and has developed Total Yoga Nidra, Wild Nidra and Nidra Shakti: radical creative and intuitive approaches to sharing yoga nidra. Uma met yoga in 1969, at the age of four, and fell in love. Sheu2019s been practicing ever since, and teaching yoga since 1994. A yoga therapist with special expertise in yoga therapy for womenu2019s health, Uma is a mother of three, and has written four books on yoga for women, including the massive Yoni Shakti now in itu2019s fourth printing and updated.n

Lama Surya Dasn
Lama Surya is one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation teachers and scholars. The Dalai Lama affectionately calls him u201cthe American Lamau201d. Lama Surya has spent over forty five years studying Zen, Vipassana, Yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism with many of the great old masters of Asia, including some the Dalai Lamau2019s own teachers. He is an authorized lama in the Tibetan Buddhist order, a leading spokesperson for Buddhism and contemporary spirituality, a translator, poet, meditation master, chant master, and social-spiritual activist.n

Jennifer Dumpertn
A San Francisco-based writer, lecturer, and consciousness hacker. She is the author of Liminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep and the founder of the Oneironauticum, an international organization that explores the phenomenological experience of dreams as a means of experimenting with mind. She also teaches the practice of Liminal Dreamingu2014surfing the edges of consciousness using hypnagogic and hypnopompic dream states.n

Dr. David Hamilton PhD,n
After completing a PhD in organic chemistry, David Hamilton spent 4 years in the pharmaceutical industry developing drugs for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Author of 10 books around the field of kindness including u2018The five side effects of kindnessu2019 and u2018How your mind can heal your bodyu2019. He spends most time writing and teaching people how to improve their self-esteem or to better understand the link between their minds and their health.n

Lana Sackwild, MScn
Lana is a British lucid dream coach & scientific researcher with a Masters of Science in consciousness, spirituality, & transpersonal psychology. She is interested in analyzing what it is about the conscious states of mind individuals access during lucid dreams that have such transformational, empowering, and transpersonal properties. Her current research is focused on lucid dreaming for mitigating depression and its uses as a follow-up treatment in the mental health field. If you are somebody feeling lost, stuck, or without meaning & control over your life, Lana will guide you to lucidity, action, & achievement!n

Sergio Magau00f1an

Dr. Melanie Schu00e4dlichn
Currently living in Freiburg (Germany), finished her diploma in psychology in 2011. She had been interested in dreaming and lucid dreaming for a while and started investigating motor learning in lucid dreams with her diploma thesis. Later she continued this research at Heidelberg University for her doctoral thesis (2018). Together with the research group around Prof. Daniel Erlacher (Bern, Switzerland) she published quantitative and qualitative studies which demonstrate the great potential of lucid dreaming for sports in particular and mental (motor) practice in general.n

Anthony Peaken
Anthony is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. He has now written eight books, co-authored an ninth and co-edited a tenth. All of them develop his Cheating the Ferryman hypothesis into ever-wider areas of application. His approach has always been to apply science to the mysterious and the enigmatic.n